"This is no small thing. It is peacemaking piece by piece."
Dear friends, I have long been inspired by the work of the Missoula Peace Quilters. Not only do they make beautiful, creative pieces of art that we are drawn to, but their work and their quilts are, to me, symbols of our work for peace. Just as a quilt contains many different colors and pieces of fabric – all different sizes, shapes, colors and patterns – peace must include many perspectives, opinions, cultures and experiences. Some of the pieces of fabric in a quilt are treasured and others are scraps but in the quilt they are equal and they each contribute to the beauty of the whole without prejudice. We would do well to view the world with such equality. I know when the quilters sit down to begin a quilt, they each come with ideas and talents. And yet they each come willing to surrender their vision in service to the larger group. They are “peace” quilters because they know what it is to bring disparate pieces of fabric together to make something of beauty that is larger than any individual piece. The quilters have done their magic in the quilt pictured here and they are generously raffling it off to benefit the JRPC. Let it inspire you as a symbol of the work for peace. Raffle tickets are available at the Center for $5 each or 5 for $20. Call us or stop by to get your chance to own a beautiful example of peacemaking...Betsy